I had a bit more trouble this week than usual, so it was really difficult for me to settle down and draw a tile. But I said I would do one tile a week... so I had to! And I did it *tschaka*!

Because it was difficult for me I thought I would do one of the many challenges out there. And I tried the
Diva Challange #301. But I failed a little bit. The task was really simple: create a duotangle with "Ricks Paradox" and "Diva Dance". And I did this, but it looked unfinished to me. So I thought to add more diva-dance but I thought it would look too busy, so I added Tipple to balance the tile out.
Its not my favourite tile, maybe a second one with the same tangles would be "better" but I'm not in the mood to do another tile now.
I really love your Tile! The Tipple really enhances the Paradox and Diva Dance! Your shading is fabulous!
AntwortenLöschenI really like your duotangle, especially after you added the tipple. Your shading is exquisite and gives the whole tile a lot of depth. Very nicely done!